About Us

Welcome to InsuranceToday.co.in, a blog dedicated to providing information and resources on various Insurance in India. Founded by Dinant Mall, Insurance Today aims to help citizens find the right Insurance for them and to guide them on how to get more benefit.

This website is not register with irdai or any department of government. All the information posted on insuranceToday.in is collected from insurance company’s websites and news sites. Insurance Today does not make any buying decisions for you.

On my blog, you will find information on a wide range of insurance policy, including those related to education, healthcare, employment, and social welfare.

If you have any questions about insurance policy, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am always happy to help.

Here are some of the reasons why you should follow my blog:

  • I provide accurate and up-to-date information on Insurance policies
  • I make it easy for you to understand
  • I am passionate about helping people access the benefits that are available to them.
  • I hope you find my blog helpful and informative. Please subscribe to stay up-to-date on the latest Insurance information and news.

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